Aerated Wastewater Systems

Are you searching for aerated wastewater systems that have been designed for large scale commercial, residential or industrial applications? At Halgan Environmental, our AQUAmax aerated wastewater treatment systems use batch reactors (SBR) technology, which is a type of activated sludge process for the treatment of wastewater. SBR reactors treat wastewater such as sewage or output from anaerobic digesters or mechanical biological treatment facilities in batches. These systems are designed based on the particular conditions of the application required and come in a variety of layouts depending on the constraints of the project design.

Single or Multi-Tank Solutions

Halgan AQUAmax aerated wastewater systems can be designed in single or multiple tank solutions using primary treatment chambers, secondary treatment chambers, buffer chambers, SBR treatment chambers, disinfection chambers and clean water storage chambers.

These chambers can vary in volume and design. They boast a range of great features, including feed pumps, sludge return pumps, SBR treatment via surface or base aeration, clear water discharge pumps and UV disinfection via lamps.

The system is suitable for almost all kinds of wastewater and can be tailored for specific pollutant discharge targets, depending on the expected pollutant loading received by the system.

Our aerated wastewater treatment plants boast the following specifications:

  • SBR technology
  • Pumps to transfer fluid in between chambers
  • Blower/compressor feeding diffusers to deliver oxygen to the system
  • Bacterial activity to reduce pollutants
  • Reduction of BOD5, TSS and E. Coli
  • Reduction of TN and TP
  • UV disinfection system, pH correction dosing, phosphate precipitation and additional filtration are additional optional features
  • System is calculated for specific effluent pollutant targets
  • Control panel
  • High level alarm to prevent overflowing
  • Economy mode if the system is not used at full capacity
  • Retrofit alternative into existing tanks

Our aerated wastewater treatment systems are useful for a wide range of domestic, commercial and industrial applications. They’re commonly used for the treatment of domestic and municipal waste water, but can also be found in the following environments:

  • Bakeries
  • Abattoirs
  • Breweries
  • Catering and hospitality
  • Dairy and fisheries’ industry
  • Camping sites
  • Nursing homes and hospitals
  • Biogas plants

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