Construction and excavation sites often generate a lot of sediment-laden runoff. This eroded or disturbed soil can contaminate nearby water supplies if it isn’t captured, necessitating the use of sediment control devices and practices. At Halgan Environmental, we offer sediment traps that are designed to protect the water quality of streams, rivers, lakes and bays. These are ideal for smaller sites and are typically built at the perimeter above storm drain inlets before earth moving and other land disturbance activities occur, stopping sediment from entering the drainage system.
Halgan Environmental sediment traps are brimming with the latest features and innovations for efficient wastewater treatment. They’ve been designed to reduce Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and capture heavy sediment and sludge in a variety of applications. The Halgan Sediment Traps (HSED) are sized depending on the daily inflow of wastewater and consist of several chambers in flowing by gravity. The trap starts with a sedimentation chamber, fitted out with internal baffles that are designed to capture heavy sediment, sludge and total suspended solids. It’s equipped with a Surge Control Device (SCD) that acts as a filter and flow regulator before reaching the next chamber, which allows for additional detention. Additional chambers can be added for pH dosing or any other pollutant correction if required with the process, according to local authorities.

Our sediment traps for stormwater purposes boast the following specifications:
- Gravity operated
- Surge Control Device (SCD)
- Blower/compressor feeding diffusers to deliver oxygen to the system (optional)
- pH correction dosing (optional)
- System is calculated for specific effluent pollutant targets
- Control panel/control switches (if required)
- High-level alarm to prevent overflowing (optional)

Halgan Environmental sediment traps have been designed to reduce Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Biochemical oxygen demand over a period of 5 days (BOD5). This is useful in applications with high levels of organic matter which require a large amount of dissolved oxygen, enabling bacteria to consume organic matter. Sediment trap applications include:
- Sediment detention zones
- Stormwater detention
- High sediment concentration sites
- Concrete plants
- Construction sites

Contact us for a quote
Halgan Environmental is a leading provider of high-quality sediment traps for stormwater treatment.
Visit our contact page for more details about how you can get in touch with us to find out more about our solutions and get a quote.
We’ll make every effort to meet your requirements.